How to Program Medicine Balls Into Baseball Workouts

Med ball exercises are a great way for a rotational athlete, such as a baseball player, to develop power and strength from their lower body to their upper body.

You often hear about rotational power or kinetic linking, but how … Read more >

Regaining Shoulder Range of Motion in Baseball Players

Regaining motion following heavy doses of high intensity throwing cannot be overlooked.

Throwing causes significant range of motion changes from eccentric stress. Any movement activity causing significant muscle damage can alter movement in the days following.

Pitchers throwing a large … Read more >

How to Prevent Baseball Muscle Imbalances and Overuse Injuries

BASEBALL is a pattern overload sport, meaning the same movements are replicated thousands of times throughout a season. Since baseball is a one-sided sport, this PATTERN OVERLOAD has the tendency to create muscle imbalances, often times leading to injury and … Read more >